This course covers the training recommended in Annex 1 of resolution A.437 (XI) of the Assembly of the IMO: training crews in extinguishing the fire. In accordance with IMO Model Course 1.20.

The course meets the demands of national legislation in accordance with Annex D of the professions and certificates of seafarers, 29.10.2013 implemented by Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure. 

After successfully completing the course, the participants will be able to react in the right way in case of fire, take appropriate measures to protect the crew and the ship, and properly use the fire extinguishers. You will be able to declare and demonstrate that you gained the knowledge and skills that will, in some cases, allow you to identify and correct the failures and thus prevent fires. 

This course is designed for future sailors and should preferably be attended before a job on board. There are no special educational requirements. All participants must have a certificate of the doctor regarding medical fitness.

This course is designed for all employees who perform safety functions on board.

According to the Ordinance on Ranks and Certification of Seafarers (NN - 130/13)

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